Wow, Julia Marino, an American athlete who won the runner up of women’s slope obstacle skills in snowboarding in the Beijing Winter Olympics, talked about her life in the Olympic Village and her favorite food. The contestant said that her favorite food was dumplings. After coming, she ate about 200.
200!! Even if you catch up with the Chinese new year, you eat a lot!!!
Today, let’s talk about dumplings!
Chinese cuisine at the Beijing Winter Olympics (2)- Chinese Steamed stuffed bun
At the Beijing Olympic Games, the scene of a little sister in Malta eating steamed stuffed buns exploded. I think he ate bean paste buns. Anyway, Chinese steamed stuffed buns have a long history.
Chinese cuisine at the Beijing Winter Olympics (1) - Beijing roast duck
The Beijing Winter Olympics is coming to an end. Let’s take stock of the Chinese food in the Olympic Village, which is envious of the South Koreans who only know to eat pickles.
The first is Beijing roast duck
“Beijing roast duck” has a long history. As early as the northern and Southern Dynasties, the “roast duck” has been recorded in the diet annals, and the “burn duck” is recorded in the “drinking and eating” written by the Yuan Dynasty imperial doctor Hu Sihui.
Burn duck is “roast duck”, which is the earliest kind of roast duck. After Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Yuan Dynasty established his capital in Yingtian (Nanjing), the imperial chef of the Ming palace made dishes with Nanjing plump and fleshy Lake ducks. In order to add flavor to duck meat, roast duck meat with charcoal fire to make it crisp and fragrant. In the late Qing Dynasty, Guangzhou dog roast duck was praised for being fat but not greasy, and was named “roast duck” by the royal family.
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